Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Eating My Words...

"Signing off"...that was my last blog post.  I'd decided a few days ago that I didn't think the blog was "working" (for various reasons) and that I was going to stop.  So I posted that I was signing off and told my Facebook followers that I was going to take the page down.  I thought, at the time, that it was the right thing to do...

Well, thanks to many of you who emailed or posted on Facebook, I pulled my head out of my ass...

I'm still going to take a break from posting blogs for awhile because I need undergo a massive re-organization of my life...But I will be back and with a vengeance that'll put the Terminator to shame...

So in the meantime and to keep the blog "hot," I'm going to post motivational quotes each day...

In honor of election day, here's a good one from Winston Churchill:

"Healthy citizens are the greatest assets any country can have."

So today, get out and exercise your body and your right to vote!

Thanks again for your continued support and love...YOU are the reason I do this and commit not to quit!!


Stephanie said...

:) Glad to see you're not going completely offline, but we should meet up one of these days IRL, too!

Life Through Endurance said...

Thanks, Stephanie...I'd love to meet up! Ammie is having lunch w/ some other friends this week but I can't make it, but the three of us should try to get together sometime...i'll shoot her an email and you 2 can coordinate and figure something out. xoxo

Jen said...

Happy am I to read this update. :) I took my daughter with me and voted this morning. She was pretty excited and impressed the volunteers and people in line with how much she knew about the people running for office. :) Proud Mama moment.

Stephanie said...

FYI: We're moving out of our offices this week, and mostly working from home for the next two weeks. It's easy for me to come downtown, but not as much for A.